Energy prices are soaring due to inflation and extreme weather events.

But you can combat those surging energy prices by reducing electrical waste. You don’t need to do any home installs or upgrades to conserve electricity.  

Pay special attention to how you use energy to help save you money. 

Small changes in your daily routine can make your home more energy-efficient. You are wasting energy in ways that you have not even considered.

But there are some dead giveaways to let you know when you are not using energy efficiently. Discover seven signs you may be wasting electricity.

1. High Electricity Bill

Your electric bill will be higher than usual because of global current events. But you may be contributing to the spike in your electricity bill.

An expensive electric bill lets you know you need to cut back on energy consumption. Check out this blog for advice on how to lower your electric bill. 

2. Drafty Windows and Doors

You may notice that your home is struggling to retain heat in winter, or becomes excessively hot in summer. Check your doors and window seals for cracks where air may be escaping.

Seal up those cracks to keep in the air and reduce electrical waste. 

3. Thermostat Too High or Low

You leave a big carbon footprint when your thermostat is set to extreme temps. It takes a lot of energy to reach a super high or low temperature on the thermostat.

Set your thermostat to a medium temperature to cut down on waste. And keep your thermostat on auto for a more energy-efficient home.

4. Plugged in Electronics 

We leave electronics plugged in out of habit and convenience. But, plugged-up electronics consume energy even while not in use.

Save energy and money by unplugging your electronics until you need to use them.

5. Frequenting the Refrigerator

You go to the fridge for food but stand there with the door open like it is a drive-thru. Going back and forth to the refrigerator uses up a lot of energy.

Decide what you want to eat before heading to the fridge to cut energy waste.

6. Using Hot Water for Everything

Water heaters are appliances that consume energy around the clock. Your water heater works hard to clean your clothes, dishes, and body. 

Consider reducing your hot water consumption by using cold water when appropriate.

7. Using a High Light Wattage 

It is a great practice to turn the lights off when you are not using them. But take the extra step to buy lightbulbs with a lower wattage.

Low wattage light bulbs reduce the energy needed when the lights are on.

Wasting Electricity

You extend the life of planet Earth when you become mindful of how you are wasting electricity. Creating a more eco-friendly home will help you save on your next electricity bill. 

Reach out to electrical professionals for advice on other ways to conserve energy.